The Soft Coulomb – Ivry-sur-Seine (FR)
Le Soft is in charge of the exploitation and rehabilitation of an urban wasteland for cultural production purposes under agreement with Sadev 94 and the town hall of Ivry-sur-Seine. The soft is spread over two sites in Ivry-sur-Seine Coulomb and Guillou. It brings together in the two premises more than 50% of artistic workshops (painting, sculpture, music, carpentry …). The other half is divided between architects, decorators, video producers …
Our collaboration with the association consists first of all the improvement of the working environment for the residents by the restructuring of the space with an inexpensive module system. Then we wish to revitalize the neighborhood through the common spaces, the cafe and the vegetable garden.
> Link to our projet ‘The Soft Guillou – Ivry-sur-Seine (FR)’