Watt’s in the air – Le Havre (FR)

The industrial harbour of Le Havre is situated on both sides of a large artificial channel. The planning of a wind farm along this channel conducts the transformation of nowadays agricultural areas into future industrial areas of the harbour. The position of the wind mills will determine an initial grid which sets the guidelines for the future division of the plots. The grid follows the existing landmarks of the agricultural plain through associating the position of the wind mills to the small channels which drain the plain. The wind mills themselves are situated on the banks of the channel. Their foundations form landing stages, creating a link between the water and the sky. Progressively with the advancing of the industries, the grid and the landscape of this areas changes.

Development of a harbour zone – Le Havre 2003

Rethink with O.Baert et JB. Nappi, landscape architects
International competition
Urban project
Surface: 350 ha
Planning fees BT :-
Planning time : –
Completion :2003
Client: EDF, 7 impasse Récamier, F 75007 Paris
Lieu: Le Port Autonome, F  76600 Le Havre
Programme: Wind turbine park
Mission: Competition
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